Sunday, March 1, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Amazing movie. It's about this poor kid from India who had it hard growing up - from having his mother killed, to having a crappy big bro, to having his best childhood friend (his one true love) going in and out of this life again and again. When he grows up, he gets shutdown by his lover, but he's hopeful. She says ppl watch who wants to be a millionaire in India b/c it's their only chance to "escape" the poverty life there. So, hoping to attract her love, he goes on the show. The whole show, which seems to be the big part of the movie once u start watching it, seems almost trivial compared to the Jamal's (the main char's) life, which is so very touching.

I love this movie. They, the directors, did everything rite. The actors weren't well known, but they were well chosen. The setting was unfamiliar, giving the environment a fresh and eye-widening appeal. The plot was ORIGINAL. The love between the main char and his friend was heartfelt.

Jamal had strong beliefs from the every beginning, and stuck to his morals. When his love Latika was lost during this childhood, and again during his teens, he always searched for her. He didn't ever forget. I'm still trying to search for people, people who i kno are still alive but have completely gone out of life almost regretfully. Scot from my elementary, that girl from summerschool (regretfully didnt get her email), and my sis's ex bf Scot. I relished their friendship, and I hope i can get in touch with them in one way or another. Even my Kuya Autan i kinda miss, i haven't seen him in forever. People come and go. Yet some people are still here, and for both catogories, we cannot forget how they affected us.

I sometimes forget what others have done for me. I've REALIZed i forget what others have done for me. That's our sin for most of us - we sometimes forget what we've been through, what the good times were. I especially focus on the bad times, and the bad charactistics of ppl. I expect people are intentionally trying to bring me down in one way or another. I gotta stop thinking that, and I think that's one of the main reasons y i've been so down lately. I jst focus on the bad aspects of things, and lay off on the good aspects. I was talkin to a friend today, and we talked bout the UBC "grind" - how the 2nd term is a continuation of the grind from the 1st term. I feel like there's nothing new, and that shouldn't rly b the prob - the prob should be that we're evolving. I should focus on what I've been thru at ubc - the good things, which were great times and feelings.

I guess i was just brought down by my rly bad performance in my eng oral presentation and macro econ midterm. Resolving it rite now at THIS vry moment, I should accept that past is past, and that i'll do better next time. I kno i can do better in macro , for sure. But oral...I dunno. I'm terrified of audiences. I think one of hte reasons y i did so well in the Nemeth tourney was b.c there wasnt a big audience there. I gotta get through my fears, not run away from them. It's all mental. I'm not sure if i can face a big audience - maybe this is one of those things I jst have to accept? No, i can get through this - hopefully. ANyway, continue nxt time. Sleepy.