Monday, July 20, 2009

My thoughts - mid summer

I want to start off by pasting my 25 random things that was supposed to be on fb. I didn't get an opportunity to do so back then (cuz i was reluctant of it being too serious/personal), but here it is:

Here are the rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 20 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.

1) im a fb noob - i didnt kno how to write a "note" until now

2) i recently made my first blog(site)

3) i realize that txting has become vry important when on post-secondary campus. I’m still pretty slow at it.

4) im colorblind, apparently with only a couple of colours tho.

5) My favorite video game of all time is super mario 64 (the N64 is still my most fav system evarrrr)

6) Usually likes to watch UFC - if one of his fav fighters is on (georges st pierre)

7) loves to wrestle/grapple (freestyle wrestling and brazilian jiujitsu [bjj] yea u can laugh at the acronym if you want -_-")

8) My fav movies of all time are Batman Begins and Cars

9) I love to eat, altho i sometimes dont show it. I'm naturally a pig

10) Sick of all-u-can-eat sushi

11) Got a big sweet tooth, especially for freshly baked chocolate chip cookies..Mmmmm *mouth waters*

12) Im a (somewhat) boring drunk. Srry to disappoint! =P

13) I wanna make my own video game company one day - it's always been my dream.

14) i get easily discouraged. Tell me that i'm not cut out for somethin, and i'll easily take that to heart. Then again, laugh at me for something I like doing or something that I invest a lot time into, and I’ll likely try to keep doing/pursuing it.

15) I barely go the church (im not sure if that's surprising to any1 haha)

16) I USUALLY eat healthy, and im vry calorie concious - i kno this sounds contradictory to me liking to eat, but it's so that i keep to my weight class

17) one of my top insecurities is that i cant speak my native language, filipino. I made a bet with a friend that i'd learn the gist/majority of the language by the next new year. She'll pay up by 2010 =) ;)

18) Loves quotes. I found that one of the quotes i keep coming back to is this one,

"Any man can overcome adversity. If you want to see a man's true character, give-him-power" -Abe lincoln

Yeah, any man can overcome the lowest of the low. If you wanna see someone's tru motives, give him the power of choice. Another quote I like using is “It’s all mental.” I got that from my kuya, and that quote is great b/c it applies to everything.

19) ever since i quit my job, i've been vry money conscious. it's expected. I’m so poor -_-“

20) is afraid of public speech, or big audiences in general.

21) I don't have my N yet - my L expired. Whooptydoo! IDC!

22) I'm pretty ignorant - i dont keep up with current events or kno the geography of the world. Y need to? if things are gnna happen, they happen. Obama got elected, but i find it hard to see how it effects me. Tell u wat, if i see the economy significantly improve, i'll actually watch his inaugaration *rolls eyes* (that'll prolly be in 20 years). Heck, i don't even pay attention to artists' names, or even the names of their songs. Y put that junk in ur head if it's not rly gonna help u in the future? Or if it doesn’t interest u? i should vent about this in my blog...

23) I switch sometimes from sleepin in my basement to sleepin upstairs in my real room. Since im a lite sleeper, downstairs is preferred b/c it's quieter.

24) I can’t whistle or blow bubbles with a bubblegum.

25) Believes that creativity > knowledge/logic. As an artist, I hate copying. My close friends know that. Even b4, when I was into Pokemon (yea, back then), I “copied” a poster of mewtwo – but I did the MIRROR image of that poster, jst b/c I don’t like copying directly (it challenged the “other” side of brain, so to speak). I admire/envy those with great creativity. I despise those who like to copy and those who are happy and satisfied by imitating/revising the work of another. Creativity and innovation is the future, and that’s where I’m gonna be…starting with my video game company. As that bum/artist once said, “I don’t want your coins. I – want – CHANGE!”

There it is. I still agree with almost everything on this list, but i'd like to add a few more quotes:

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Ghandi

"Remember who you don't want to be" - Me

The first one is totally true. The world won't change for you, so u gotta somehow lead it to change. Inspire ppl, encourage ppl, with your own role-modelling. You also gotta keep yourself true, by remembering HOW you want to change the world, which is done in part by remembering what (WHO) you see wrong with the world, and then remembering you don't want to embody that person/action/thing.

Anywayz, the YMCA - UBC 2nd annual youth Wrestling Summer camp was SUPER successful. It started on monday, july 13, (09), and lasted till the friday, 17th. I had to get up around 630/645am everyday, monday to saturday (saturday was the first annual UBC grappling open) to help set up the mats. Been a crazy, productive week. I got to meet 2 more olympians in Gia Sissaouri ("the guy who taught GSP how to wrestle") and the less interesting Daniel Igali (Gia is more interesting cuz he's such technical wrestler, and it shows through his teachings - plus he;s in my weigh class). Interesting to see Gia was about my height, give about an inch or half an inch. Obviously he shrunk (a bit older now, since his silver medal at the 1996 olympics), but it does give me hope that i'm as big as him.

As a volunteer of hte camp, i had to roll up mats and supervize/orgnaize games for the kids (who are too small to hang with the bigger athletes during warm up). For helping, i got to attend that camp for free (it's around a 250$ camp). I have to admit though, watching the younger kids be competitive and having fun made me REALLY smile - that was the first geniune smile (not forced, and not resulting from jokes) i've had in a really long time. And, hey, all of them actually respected me although they didnt kno me (hahah kids =) if they think your leader, your command is law). Hey, i had fun being leader =) it was a great feeling. It was great to see kids just having fun, as especially result of me and this other camp leader. I just wish i had a chance to say goodbye to those kids =( I told Dave that i was gonna go home and take a nap, that come back and roll up the mats when the camp ended. But nooooooo, the camp ended super early, and i didn't get a chance to say goodbye to all of the kids i got to know. =( Especially this one kid, Anthony, who really got to talk to me, and even invited me to have lunch with his crew (he was only in grade 8). But i said "naww, gonna go home and take a nap." But i assured him that "I'll be back to roll up the mats" but by then they were already gone. O well, great camp either way! And who knows, maybe i'll see that kid later on in the future, maybe in wrestling or something.

The 1st annual grappling open was a success as well. Me my cousina and his friend joined in as well, just for fun/kicks (since we just watch submission wrestling on tv). Me and my cousin and this other guy (Brandy Le) were the only 3 ppl in the 60 kg weight class (mind u, me and my cousin underweighed about a kg...our ideal weight class is 55kg for me, while his is around 57). But, either way, it was a hell of a lot of fun. Me and my cousin went first, and we were practically grinning from ear to ear, since we taught each other our moves during our warm up together - we knew each other's strengths and weaknesses. He shoulder threw me, tried an armbar, i got out of it, ended up on top for about...i'd say 3 out of the 5 min. The thing is i kinda felt sorry for him...and i kno im not supposed to. When i was in this guard, i "rolled over", and let him mount. My thoughts are during that moment are that he has a big ego, and what would happen when I, out of all ppl, his protoge (almost). beat a former freestyle wrestling champion in submission wrestling? I tapped out last 3 secs in the match, due to him NOT choking me, but crankign my neck. I tapped out due to risk of injury/a bit of pain.

Here;s my 2nd match:

I'm kinda disappointed that he ended up takign me down, and that i wasnt more agressive. There will always be regrets, but with that, now i kno better to take more chances in the future and just go for the kill. The elbows i dedicate to romeo - he tapped me out one time due to elbows to the throat. too bad it didnt work for me. I was tryign to PUnish the guy, cuz he beat my cousin in the match before. I did punish him a bit, he was pretty uncomfortable. But he was a nice guy, and a few mins afterwards went up to me, and acknowledge me and my cousin's wrestling abilities (alot of upper body control advantage for wrestlers). I think it could've went the distance, if i knew u could get choked out from a single leg. Now i know. More practice is needed, and i can't wait to get on that mat again! it was funa and SUPER successful event. Dave and Tim should be proud.