Saturday, December 19, 2009

Art and Creativity - where are they nowadays?

I've been hearing alot about this guy on fb (a classmate of mine) posting his art on there. These art pieces are mostly paintings, from what i can gather. And people praise is work and so on...but why? I get soooo mad when i hear "Wow, mrX is a very good painter!" TBH, I have no doubt that he's a very good painter, I know him - he's very talented with his hands, with painting and so on. What gets to me is that there is nothing creative about his work!!! Nothign original, nothing that's not based on work that's already done! For example, along time ago I heard he did a painting of batman's Joker, and I saw was...well, the joker, most likely from a photo he copied from. Then, just recently, he made a painting of an actress from highschool musical, and omgg, the praise he got for it is just astounding. He just friggin' copied it!!! What really pisses me off is that I know I can;t change how people value things if they looks good and if they accurately represent the real life counterparts. If a painting of joker looks like joker, ppl go all gaga over it. For me, I stopped with copying - since elementary school. I have obviously copied before, but that was for assignments. In gr11/12, I was assigned to do a big painting of my face, interpreted with diff colors. I got plenty of complements for it afterwards, alot of "That totally looks like you." I DON't CARE! It's nto creative, it shows no creativity beyond the changes of the color of my face. What good is a piece of art, when it's an exact replica (but, say, it's art formed change from a photo to a painting) of the original? You're painting is one out of a billion other photos. What value does it have? I really do wish ppl cna change their views, but i hope to keep on track to staying to my creative side, instead of just copying portraits of famous ppl in the world. Maybe if i posted my paintings on fb, I would change ppl's minds of what is really creatve.Haha, maybe, maybe...

I just wish there's more creativity in the world. I want my work to represent me - and I, for sure, am not a replica. I hope for ppl to follow the same way, and avoid basing their work on real world things/ppl.

Monday, July 20, 2009

My thoughts - mid summer

I want to start off by pasting my 25 random things that was supposed to be on fb. I didn't get an opportunity to do so back then (cuz i was reluctant of it being too serious/personal), but here it is:

Here are the rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose 20 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you.

1) im a fb noob - i didnt kno how to write a "note" until now

2) i recently made my first blog(site)

3) i realize that txting has become vry important when on post-secondary campus. I’m still pretty slow at it.

4) im colorblind, apparently with only a couple of colours tho.

5) My favorite video game of all time is super mario 64 (the N64 is still my most fav system evarrrr)

6) Usually likes to watch UFC - if one of his fav fighters is on (georges st pierre)

7) loves to wrestle/grapple (freestyle wrestling and brazilian jiujitsu [bjj] yea u can laugh at the acronym if you want -_-")

8) My fav movies of all time are Batman Begins and Cars

9) I love to eat, altho i sometimes dont show it. I'm naturally a pig

10) Sick of all-u-can-eat sushi

11) Got a big sweet tooth, especially for freshly baked chocolate chip cookies..Mmmmm *mouth waters*

12) Im a (somewhat) boring drunk. Srry to disappoint! =P

13) I wanna make my own video game company one day - it's always been my dream.

14) i get easily discouraged. Tell me that i'm not cut out for somethin, and i'll easily take that to heart. Then again, laugh at me for something I like doing or something that I invest a lot time into, and I’ll likely try to keep doing/pursuing it.

15) I barely go the church (im not sure if that's surprising to any1 haha)

16) I USUALLY eat healthy, and im vry calorie concious - i kno this sounds contradictory to me liking to eat, but it's so that i keep to my weight class

17) one of my top insecurities is that i cant speak my native language, filipino. I made a bet with a friend that i'd learn the gist/majority of the language by the next new year. She'll pay up by 2010 =) ;)

18) Loves quotes. I found that one of the quotes i keep coming back to is this one,

"Any man can overcome adversity. If you want to see a man's true character, give-him-power" -Abe lincoln

Yeah, any man can overcome the lowest of the low. If you wanna see someone's tru motives, give him the power of choice. Another quote I like using is “It’s all mental.” I got that from my kuya, and that quote is great b/c it applies to everything.

19) ever since i quit my job, i've been vry money conscious. it's expected. I’m so poor -_-“

20) is afraid of public speech, or big audiences in general.

21) I don't have my N yet - my L expired. Whooptydoo! IDC!

22) I'm pretty ignorant - i dont keep up with current events or kno the geography of the world. Y need to? if things are gnna happen, they happen. Obama got elected, but i find it hard to see how it effects me. Tell u wat, if i see the economy significantly improve, i'll actually watch his inaugaration *rolls eyes* (that'll prolly be in 20 years). Heck, i don't even pay attention to artists' names, or even the names of their songs. Y put that junk in ur head if it's not rly gonna help u in the future? Or if it doesn’t interest u? i should vent about this in my blog...

23) I switch sometimes from sleepin in my basement to sleepin upstairs in my real room. Since im a lite sleeper, downstairs is preferred b/c it's quieter.

24) I can’t whistle or blow bubbles with a bubblegum.

25) Believes that creativity > knowledge/logic. As an artist, I hate copying. My close friends know that. Even b4, when I was into Pokemon (yea, back then), I “copied” a poster of mewtwo – but I did the MIRROR image of that poster, jst b/c I don’t like copying directly (it challenged the “other” side of brain, so to speak). I admire/envy those with great creativity. I despise those who like to copy and those who are happy and satisfied by imitating/revising the work of another. Creativity and innovation is the future, and that’s where I’m gonna be…starting with my video game company. As that bum/artist once said, “I don’t want your coins. I – want – CHANGE!”

There it is. I still agree with almost everything on this list, but i'd like to add a few more quotes:

"Be the change you want to see in the world" - Ghandi

"Remember who you don't want to be" - Me

The first one is totally true. The world won't change for you, so u gotta somehow lead it to change. Inspire ppl, encourage ppl, with your own role-modelling. You also gotta keep yourself true, by remembering HOW you want to change the world, which is done in part by remembering what (WHO) you see wrong with the world, and then remembering you don't want to embody that person/action/thing.

Anywayz, the YMCA - UBC 2nd annual youth Wrestling Summer camp was SUPER successful. It started on monday, july 13, (09), and lasted till the friday, 17th. I had to get up around 630/645am everyday, monday to saturday (saturday was the first annual UBC grappling open) to help set up the mats. Been a crazy, productive week. I got to meet 2 more olympians in Gia Sissaouri ("the guy who taught GSP how to wrestle") and the less interesting Daniel Igali (Gia is more interesting cuz he's such technical wrestler, and it shows through his teachings - plus he;s in my weigh class). Interesting to see Gia was about my height, give about an inch or half an inch. Obviously he shrunk (a bit older now, since his silver medal at the 1996 olympics), but it does give me hope that i'm as big as him.

As a volunteer of hte camp, i had to roll up mats and supervize/orgnaize games for the kids (who are too small to hang with the bigger athletes during warm up). For helping, i got to attend that camp for free (it's around a 250$ camp). I have to admit though, watching the younger kids be competitive and having fun made me REALLY smile - that was the first geniune smile (not forced, and not resulting from jokes) i've had in a really long time. And, hey, all of them actually respected me although they didnt kno me (hahah kids =) if they think your leader, your command is law). Hey, i had fun being leader =) it was a great feeling. It was great to see kids just having fun, as especially result of me and this other camp leader. I just wish i had a chance to say goodbye to those kids =( I told Dave that i was gonna go home and take a nap, that come back and roll up the mats when the camp ended. But nooooooo, the camp ended super early, and i didn't get a chance to say goodbye to all of the kids i got to know. =( Especially this one kid, Anthony, who really got to talk to me, and even invited me to have lunch with his crew (he was only in grade 8). But i said "naww, gonna go home and take a nap." But i assured him that "I'll be back to roll up the mats" but by then they were already gone. O well, great camp either way! And who knows, maybe i'll see that kid later on in the future, maybe in wrestling or something.

The 1st annual grappling open was a success as well. Me my cousina and his friend joined in as well, just for fun/kicks (since we just watch submission wrestling on tv). Me and my cousin and this other guy (Brandy Le) were the only 3 ppl in the 60 kg weight class (mind u, me and my cousin underweighed about a kg...our ideal weight class is 55kg for me, while his is around 57). But, either way, it was a hell of a lot of fun. Me and my cousin went first, and we were practically grinning from ear to ear, since we taught each other our moves during our warm up together - we knew each other's strengths and weaknesses. He shoulder threw me, tried an armbar, i got out of it, ended up on top for about...i'd say 3 out of the 5 min. The thing is i kinda felt sorry for him...and i kno im not supposed to. When i was in this guard, i "rolled over", and let him mount. My thoughts are during that moment are that he has a big ego, and what would happen when I, out of all ppl, his protoge (almost). beat a former freestyle wrestling champion in submission wrestling? I tapped out last 3 secs in the match, due to him NOT choking me, but crankign my neck. I tapped out due to risk of injury/a bit of pain.

Here;s my 2nd match:

I'm kinda disappointed that he ended up takign me down, and that i wasnt more agressive. There will always be regrets, but with that, now i kno better to take more chances in the future and just go for the kill. The elbows i dedicate to romeo - he tapped me out one time due to elbows to the throat. too bad it didnt work for me. I was tryign to PUnish the guy, cuz he beat my cousin in the match before. I did punish him a bit, he was pretty uncomfortable. But he was a nice guy, and a few mins afterwards went up to me, and acknowledge me and my cousin's wrestling abilities (alot of upper body control advantage for wrestlers). I think it could've went the distance, if i knew u could get choked out from a single leg. Now i know. More practice is needed, and i can't wait to get on that mat again! it was funa and SUPER successful event. Dave and Tim should be proud.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Spirited Away

Watch Spirited Away - Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

[The video is a bit warped here, just click "Watch spirited away" above to go to the original site where this was found. After clicking the "play" button, a pop-up will show (just exit that), and u mite have to click the play button again to get it working.]

With my foot still healing (and me being home-ridden as a result for 2 days now), I worked on some stuff on my to-do list, and that included rewatching an anime film "Spirited Away". Now, i watched this a long time ago - i rented it when they were still using video cassette tapes I think, and I didn't really like it. I was all hyped up, b/c the commercials hyped it up, saying all the awards it got internationally..and when I watched it, I was a bit underwhelmed. The music started off great, and so did the crisp animation. But, as my young mind yearned for back then, there was NO action. There was no convoluted plot with twists. The voice over for the main character I thought could've been better chosen. The drawings, while crisp, did not animate very smoothly (i think this might have been b/c of the limitation of video tapes before, or maybe it was just developed at 20-30 frames per second). It was also kinda weird. Either way, i didn't like it, i was underwhelmed. But, I wanted to give it another chance. After seeing the top ten movies by the developers, this one kept appearing top 8 or 5. Now that I'm older, I thought I'd give it another chance.

This movie - i love it. The story - for the story, you'd have to have a different mindset. If you're going into this movie expecting an action-driven plot, you're gonna be extremely disappointed. BUT, if you're going into this movie with no expectations, you're gonna be in for a delite. This movie is all about character development, something I didn't think i've heard of before way back when. Great character development, very touching. The music is just perfect here - in some movie and videogames, the music usually overshadows the actual substance (for instance, the brilliant/sad music of metal gear solid usually makes you sad when, in fact, the moment isn't THAT sad - it's just that music that is making you sad, which is what I mean by overshadowing the actual substance of the movie/film), but in here, the music perfectly complements everything the movie has to offer (gonna dl the songs to my ipod - these songs are touching piano pieces, which i always think are must-haves). As for the voice over of the main character...well, Chihiro is SUpposed to be whiny. It's suitable.

This movie is all about Chihiro transforming from this whiny, scared kid to this bold, brave young girl, all in a wonderful setting. Oh yess, i forgot! The animation is good, but the background/environments are absolutely breathtaking, especially near the end, when you will come to see a train surrounded by miles and miles of water, dropping off "souls" at stations in the mean time. It's beautiful. That part alone took my breath away and won me over... I believe my jaw was down when my eyes were glued to teh screen - it was all just b/c i was in wonder of the beautiful city, which really does make you think. If anyone is gonna watch one part, I say skip to the last 20 min or so to watch teh train ride through the miles and miles of water (the scene occurs @ 1 hour and 37 minutes in this video) . The movie's creativity/imagination is top notch, also - and I'm VERY picky of people's "originality" these days, and I'm rarely impressed, but this movie is great. Videogames, and other media in general, can learn from this.

The movie, overall, is a bit long - I actually took a break halfway b/c I was kinda impatient and a TINy bit bored (this is why i hate watching on the internet - it just begs you to be A-D-D). But, this movie deserves ppls' attention, if not for it's simple "Alice-in-Wonderland-esque" plot, but for its creativity/imagination, plus great music to boot. And, if anything, watch that train scene, which will leave you wondering about what's really out there in this world the producers have created.

EDIT: Here is the scene i was talking about! I guess i'm not the only one who thinks this scene is great.

I loved this scene b/c of the feelings (emotion) the visuals, wonder and awe this scene put u through. I also loved this scene PARTLY b/c of Chihiro's situation (leaving her friends and comfort of the bath house to a place that is somewhere desolate and uknown). BUT apparently there is more to this scene than meets the eye. There is alot of symbolism and themes involved in this scene (not to mention the rest of the movie). For example, from a youtube post (which must be taken as a grain of salt), the user says that the japanese believe rivers are a borderline between life and death - and from that, i take that the souls are either going somewhere, or nowhere. Also, from life, to death's resting place. There's alot more interpretations from this site:
The interpretors on the site pointed this thing to me. Look at the picture of the "ghost" girl on the site - a striking image, b/c she is going nowhere, while the other souls are moving. She has no place to go. She may be a lost soul =/. This movie is truly for children AND adults alike.

The scenes that took me off the most were (and still are) these:

Beautiful scenes. The first pic is just desolate, and fills you wonder. Who lives there? Is it lonely there? The 2nd scene (leaving another station behind) is sad - the colors of the whole scene, plus the looming clouds, just gives a shiver of melancholy. Awesome movie.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Count your blessings, GMH

I want to add this:

"Count your blessings, no your blemishes."

This is quote i came across. I want to contrast this with the last post i did a minute ago...I want to count my blessings, not my blemishes. Supposedly written by Brianna Keenan. The word "blemishes" is actually replaced in many different versions of the quote - either by "worries", "years", "problems", or some other. I'll keep this quote in mind, along with this:

GMH: Gives me hope.

My sister told me about this site that is made as a counterpart to a site called "fuck my life (FML). I like's a nice site to go to, and it keeps you looking up towards the future, not dreading it. I had a lot of trouble finding ppl to watch the movie UP with (I made up plans with a bunch of ppl, including diana, and my cousin, but all of them bailed >< - I was very pissed at all of them...really annoyed - i don't like people who waste my time)...but, when i thought I wouldn't ever get to see that movie in theatres, i found some friends who i didnt think would want to watch that movie, and they wholly accepted! Who would've known. GMH

Just some thoughts....

Just some of my thoughts...this is super private, so to those reading (yes, all both of u), please stop...thanks.

Well, summer school is over...just finished my final last friday, and i think i did very good. So far, computer science was one of the most fun classes i've taken...i had fun during (most) of the lectures - i was interested in about 80% of the material. This was the first class that i considered majoring in.

Now that i'm doing almost nothing right now, I have to get my L and N, and then get a job.

Yesterday I dumbell dropped on my foot at the gym, and in less than 2 minutes it was completely swollen...I went to the hospital to get it checked (it took FOUR friggin hours just to get it x-rayed (went there at 9, finished at 1 am), but luckily it was just bruised, no fractures or broken bones. The nurse and my dad called me "dumb" for not wearing shoes in teh gym (i CHOSE not to wear shoes, b/c deadlifts are better without any soles/platforms on). The dumbell rolled off the bench press could've happened to anyone >=/. My dad told my sister afterwards about the incident, leaving out the details, letting her also thing i was "dumb". I swear, i think they're just jumping on the opportunity to call me dumb b/c, well, let's face it, when can they EVER call me that? It's absurd >=/. My sister keeps telling me to get my L, get ur N, get your license...w/e. She keeps putting pressure on me, and I know it's b/c of her selfish wants and to pick at me where I have no experience in. I swear, once I get my L and N, my sister is gonna go "ON NOES, you're too well-rounded!" such bullshit sometimes. The only reason I could think of to get my license is if i get a girlfriend i have to bring her around. That's probably the only reason, which is right now my driving motivation - i'm doing this for myself, not b/c she told me to. In my head before (in those situations with my dad and sister), I think to them "Go fuck yourself."

I hanged out with a friend (af) that i didn't hang out with before for a long time, and it was fun...he's a really funny guy. But the second time i hung out with him he was a real jackass. It stayed in my head that "people don't change at all...". I invited him and some friends to a pub, and a friend gets in...the other two, including af, didn't get in, and he blames ME. I told him that they dont check IDs there, and he blames me for not getting my head, out of the four of us, he looks the most like he's from elementary (by the way he dresses). He LATEr admits that his "jacket" made him look, his whole outfit makes him look young. Some of the things he does makes me laugh...but I'm not so sure if they're jokes anymore. "let's go get some girls...let's pick up some chicks...let's go to parties and get drunk" WTF, he looks nothing like the type to say that. I thought he used to be really funny, but now that i dont think they're jokes anymore, he just puts off as a REALLY desperate guy. During the second hangout, hanging out with him made me feel like a's what he does, which is so dweeb-ish, and it makes me feel ashamed just hanging out with him. I'm not gonna hang out with him again unless necessary ><. That kind of vibe tends to rub off on u.

Since after busting my foot, staying at home hasn't been very productive, but it reminds me of a time of what i always used to do: just stay home and play video games. After i got over that phase, I use to think "why did i not ever go outside before?". After today, i think "How, staying inside is kinda nice!". I got alot of relaxing time done...videogames, I know it sounds geeky, but this was teh most relaxing day in a long time. I got to play alot of this game i like, and i'm loving it the more i play it. What a great game, "Beyong good and evil." Great game, time well spent =)

This is something i've been thinking about for a while now: "you really know who your true friends are if they want/willing to hang out with you". This friend of mine, who i considered a friend for a while now, I've been inviting her to hang out, but always always always she has some very poor excuse. Now, I usually value kindness, but the truth would've been just as good here: just tell me you don't want to hang out with me. I stopped talkin to her..b/c really, what;s the point? Yes, she was a girl i used to like. And yes, we did have fun times toghter. But, is it worth keepin the friendship alive when she wants nothing to do with me? My gawd. Don't waste my time. Grow up. This is the reason why i stopped liking her: she was very immature. She could not take anythign seriously. One of the things I think about is this: you can'T laugh off everything bad that gets thrown at you. Sometimes, you just gotta suck it up. I dont like ppl like that, people who just don't want to experience discomfort so they "laugh it off". Those people are in denial. I don't want anythign to do with them. I don't want anything to do with her anymore. I want friends who aren't ashame of me and are willing to hang out with me. I don't want friends who beat around the bush. I want to add something to that statement i mentioned: "you really know who your true friends are if they want/willing to hang out with you, and you want to hang out with them back." I'm applying this to af - af is not a true friend, b/c, frankly, i don't want to hang out with him.

After my foot heals up, I want to get exercising regulary and working (job) regularly. I want to make this summer productive (at the very least money-wise), and of course fun. I cannot wait for the ubc summer grappling tourney, the wrestling camp, and the mma seminar by the silver Canadian olympian Sissaouri, who i've watched today and who i adore. What a technician - smaller (in height) and oler than his opponents, yet he dominates them with technique. Fun to watch. I'm planning to train with a friend i haven't spoken to in a while, and i'm excited for that too: just can't wait to roll around on a matt again. Goin to be fun.

These are just some of my thoughts. Hope my foot heals so i get my summer goin!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Amazing movie. It's about this poor kid from India who had it hard growing up - from having his mother killed, to having a crappy big bro, to having his best childhood friend (his one true love) going in and out of this life again and again. When he grows up, he gets shutdown by his lover, but he's hopeful. She says ppl watch who wants to be a millionaire in India b/c it's their only chance to "escape" the poverty life there. So, hoping to attract her love, he goes on the show. The whole show, which seems to be the big part of the movie once u start watching it, seems almost trivial compared to the Jamal's (the main char's) life, which is so very touching.

I love this movie. They, the directors, did everything rite. The actors weren't well known, but they were well chosen. The setting was unfamiliar, giving the environment a fresh and eye-widening appeal. The plot was ORIGINAL. The love between the main char and his friend was heartfelt.

Jamal had strong beliefs from the every beginning, and stuck to his morals. When his love Latika was lost during this childhood, and again during his teens, he always searched for her. He didn't ever forget. I'm still trying to search for people, people who i kno are still alive but have completely gone out of life almost regretfully. Scot from my elementary, that girl from summerschool (regretfully didnt get her email), and my sis's ex bf Scot. I relished their friendship, and I hope i can get in touch with them in one way or another. Even my Kuya Autan i kinda miss, i haven't seen him in forever. People come and go. Yet some people are still here, and for both catogories, we cannot forget how they affected us.

I sometimes forget what others have done for me. I've REALIZed i forget what others have done for me. That's our sin for most of us - we sometimes forget what we've been through, what the good times were. I especially focus on the bad times, and the bad charactistics of ppl. I expect people are intentionally trying to bring me down in one way or another. I gotta stop thinking that, and I think that's one of the main reasons y i've been so down lately. I jst focus on the bad aspects of things, and lay off on the good aspects. I was talkin to a friend today, and we talked bout the UBC "grind" - how the 2nd term is a continuation of the grind from the 1st term. I feel like there's nothing new, and that shouldn't rly b the prob - the prob should be that we're evolving. I should focus on what I've been thru at ubc - the good things, which were great times and feelings.

I guess i was just brought down by my rly bad performance in my eng oral presentation and macro econ midterm. Resolving it rite now at THIS vry moment, I should accept that past is past, and that i'll do better next time. I kno i can do better in macro , for sure. But oral...I dunno. I'm terrified of audiences. I think one of hte reasons y i did so well in the Nemeth tourney was b.c there wasnt a big audience there. I gotta get through my fears, not run away from them. It's all mental. I'm not sure if i can face a big audience - maybe this is one of those things I jst have to accept? No, i can get through this - hopefully. ANyway, continue nxt time. Sleepy.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The need for God

Bout time i got to writing on my blog again, b/c i didnt hav the time before.

I read in my psych book a bit ago, and it mentioned the primary indicators of happiness. Lookin at my psych book right now, it said that some of the factors that do NOT predict happiness are

-intelligence, and
-physical attractiveness.

VERY interesting. I didn't really think these would predict happiness, but i'm sure they do help. Especially after blowing my macro econ exam, i feel kinda stupid, and a bit insecure, but more on that next time.

The Moderately good predictors of happiness are
-Social activity

I agree with ALL of those, although i think health less so than the others. More on culture later.

The Strong Predictors of happiness are
-Love and Marriage
-Work (wth...?)
- Personality

It seems that social activity from the moderate predictors of happiness might tie in with the "Love and Marriage", b/c that one helps lead to that. More on personality later.

Anywayz, i went to church today, and I was thinking about the need for God and religion, otherwise a moderate predictor of happiness. I always thought about it before, but church refreshed these thoughts, and i decided to write these thoughts finally in my blog.

Many people think of God as an actual being or entity- or at least most of the very religious people still do. Others think that there is no God, and therefore no need for Him. Some ppl who disown god think that they are done away with Him in their lives for good, but that's a misconception. God and faith (and love for each other) are synonymous in a way. True happiness comes from having faith and love for one another, and since God is in all of us, those athiests who claim to be "happy" are having faith and love to those close to them - in other words, they are having faith and love to God. So, God IS in their lives, whether they like it or not. Unless they're not the faithful or loving kind...but that jst means those athiests aren't rly happy.

God, for those who believe he is some sort of being (in which most of the times i do), trust that he has a plan for all, and that there's a reason for everything. In this sense He is a guiding Light. This plan of God leads to a "let it be" mentality towards those who believe, helping to ease the sins they've committed and accept the tragedies in life. Most athiests say that this act of letting all the pressures fall on God's plan, or God's shoulders, is an excuse, or reason, for Christians/Catholics to blame all their faults on. But, that's totally looking at it in a negative light. God's plan and its "let it be" attitude it induces is just another way to relieve pressures and stress (just like this blog), to make life easier, making extra room to focus on the good things in life. The "let it be" attitude puts the pressures on God, and lets us move on with our lives. Now, as a said before, God is in everyone. We ARE God. We are each other's guiding light - we have the power to relieve pressures of other ppl, to relieve their sins. Whatever which way you look at it - the guiding light as an ENtity/BEing OR the guiding light of God in each of us - that's also another concept that athiests overlook: when they take consolation in others, or lean on another person's shoulder, they're following God's guiding light (which leads to a "let it be" attitude). It's a bit confusing how im saying it, but here is the point form of what im thinking:

Since God is in everyone:
- If we have faith and love for one another, we're also having faith in God.
- If we take consolation in each other, we are taking consolation in God. Once our pressures and sins are relieved onto one another (God), we are led to a "let it be" towards life, making us happier.
- For athiests, who have faith and love and take consolation in each other, are still happy, even though they took teh name "God" out of their lives.

With last point in the summary, God - as name, symbol, or actual being - is not necessary. It just makes things easier if we believe God as an actual being, something that we can have FAITH and LOVE and CONSOLATION in. But since we're all human, we need THIS entity. We need something we can hold onto. I'm not sure if the athiests are truly happy. There are many implications im leaving out here - like how God is a TEST to prove you are truly faithful. Since God is not concrete, having to test our faith in Him first will determine our faith in other people in real life. SO, I'm not sure if the athiests are truly happy if they do not have a non-concrete being to place they're faith on, otherwise it's not real faith, meaning they're not truly happy. Like i said before, we NEED God, we need FAIth, which actually then enables us to love and console in others.

There, God is needed.

Also, with God comes a RELIGION, which is also needed. The main point (highlight) of the bible was to witness Jesus's fall and resurrection. We need this in order to see that we can RELATE to God. Plus, with that comes more consolation, in that we see our sins/sorrow isn't as bad as Christ's sufferings. In short, religion is jst extra to a solid base which is God.

I'll continue culture and personality some other time, and some self analysis of myself too.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

my "surprise" 19th bday

I couldn't be happier with how my bday turned out - i got a bronze medal, and alot of encouragement from my coach, who is such a brilliant technician. My medal isn't jst a medal tho - it was a sign of my transformation as a wrestler - NAY, a person. I won't be so scared anymore when walking onto the mat. I've turned over a new leaf, for a lack of a better phrase. Hopefully this "Im gnna win, im gnna win" mentallity will stay with me - b/c rite now, it's priceless. Also, all-u-can-eat sushi after the Nemeth tourney, PLUS a surprise bday from my sis. From wat the facebook page i could see, i assumed that it was jst my friends who were coming. But,to my vry surprise, nearly all my cousins were there. That made me so happy, since the day b4 every1 was at my uncle's party, and considering how busy they usually are, im glad they took time out of their daily lives jst to come a 2nd time. I couldn't be any more grateful to my friends who setted this up, and also my sister. I dont kno how to repay them. I rly am still thinking about how to repay them, but nothing can repay them back fully to the amound of fun/joy i experienced that day. If my friends invited my ubc friends - at least leanne, lianae, and sunny - that would've jst been the cherry on top. I haven't ever been treated to such a selfless action - I learned alot from that, and it rly does inspire to act out of selflessness too, jst to spread teh joy. Tho can't promise anything. One of teh best days of my life, period.

wrestling entry 2 - KAMloops and Nemeth

So, im writing this on the same nite of when i created my blog. Here goes.

So my very first tourney i was psyched. I practically went there on a greyhound with jst me and my coach with the mentallity that "I was going to lose anywayz." I don't think i would've went if it weren't for my friends' support.

I didn't expect their support - i guess i wasnt used to it. But now i know that's wat friends are for. I think it was b/c one of my worst fears came true when that jacka$$ of a classmate (some1-who-shall-not-be-named) went on laughing at my video on youtube of me getting dominated in the regionals for BC. I hated that - that was one of the reasons y i kept wrestling on teh down low for so long, so that ppl didnt kno if i screwed up or not. I was so mad when he laughed at me - and embarrassed too. I still cringe at the video of me on youtube - I know i could've done so much better. What bothered me so much is that that video is what ppl now see me as - some1 who's at their worst. I hated that. NO ONE knows how fast i could be - how strong i could be, let alone how cunning i could be. NO ONE knows how hard i worked. The problem b4 was that i started to concentrate on losing weight and not exercising, and only relied on my double leg takedowns. This is one of the main reasons why i'm still in wrestling - i want to redeem myself for that poor performance. Now, im the opposite -im exercising to lose weight and get more endurance and stronger, AND im learning new moves everyday, and perfecting old ones. I'm jst glad i have a few friends who wrk out with me - jst so that they kno how hard i wrk - at least now those ppl who are my current gym partners respect how i seriously i take my wrestling. If only they could see me wrestle now - i jst hav to remmeber to bring a cam next time to record it - not rly for them, but for myself to learn what i did wrong.

ANYWAYZ - back to KAMLOOPs. Yeah, i was psyched at first - but as soon as a i saw how big (well - tall) the other guy was, my confidence plummeted. Worst of all, a crowd (one of my worst fears), was concentrated on that one mat to see the amazing collegiate wrestlers wrestle. there were vry few wrestlers - it was an open tourney - so technically some1 who weighs 130 could verse a guy who weighs 170. Anywayz, i was frozen when i went on teh mat. Luckily i lasted...26 secs. I hand-fought and sprawled for those few secs, but my first opponent managed to get me in a fireman's carry. it's not that i lost which was the most embarrassing - it was HOW i lost- the guy put me down slowly and safely, and pinned me softly as a result - yeah, he was a nice guy, but next time ill beat him.

My 2nd opponent in kamloops i thought i was gonna run thru - he was skinny shit. I later found out his name was Harri(son). He was tall, and was in my weight class, but NO WONDER - he was mostly skin, some bone, and lengthy. In a fight, i could've beat teh crap out of him. BUT, in a wrestlign match, he was jst more conditioned and knowledgeable as a wrestler. He won by points in the end. I was rly sad. Later on, i was embarrassed to txt my friends i lost BOTH matches. I thought i went there for nothing. On the greyhound back home, i txted my sis too, saying that i was "kinda embarrassed". What she txted me back literally made me cry - i was choked up in the greyhound, and tears were running. she texted me back somethin along these lines: "aww, it;s ok, ur still learning rite. if it makes u feel better, we could go out and eat later on". It doesnt sound like much, but the fact that i felt like QUITTIN wrestling, wat she said couldnt have been any more perfect. I loved her for that - sometimes my sis says the wrong stuff, but this time, she rly hit the target. I txted her back, "thx", and took her txt to heart. AFtER ALL, i WAS still learning, and STILLl am. I felt better, but i still knew i would go home empty handed. it was the worst feelign ever.

O yeah, i won't ever forgot what that black guy, named "frank menza", said to me: "Good job man. I'm glad you came out, and glad you stuck it out *tells me what i could've done from that sprawl*". Later on, he would tell my coach "I have potential". WHAT A NICE GUY. Even my coach didnt rly believe him at that time - neither did I, until i realized that that guy's frame was jst as short as me - and he was 2nd in CANADA. It rly does give me hope =) - my first ray of hope out of this whole tourney.

In the other tourney, which was on my bday on saturday (exactly a week after my first tourney), i took a different approach. I said, wth, mite as well give it a shot - i took the mentallity of "im gnna win, im gonna win". IT WORKED. My first match - waddya kno, it was harry! - i got my rematch. I remember it so clearly - heh after all it was jst 2 nites ago. With my new mentallity in tack, i took the fear of a crowd off my mind - after all, there were only a few ppl watchin. I wasnt concious of how i looked while wrestling either. I felt great walkin onto the mat. He shot, i sprawled, went behind quickly and painlessly, coach's orders. Here's where i ran into trouble - i knew no offensive moves from this position. The ref stood us up, he shot, i tried to defend, but he got the better of me and i went on my belly. He scored some pts on me on the ground, and the first round was over. he won that round. 2nd round wasn't as great as teh first round, i cant remember it too well. Wen i went back to my corner, what my coach said i won't ever forget "Listen. You've improved 300%. I liked that. You didn't give up." That's what i wanted to hear, altho i was still pretty pissed knowing i could've won that match. During the break, i caught up with my opponent, which is how i learned his name was Harry. He said he was pushing 60 kg, even tho my weight class was 57kg. No wonder. If i had THIS guy on the run, and the fact im still a beginner wrestler, jst think how dominant i would've been if i were at the lowest weight class, 55kg? Literally, weight cutting started today (monday), and it feels great to get back into that exercising/concious-eating mode.

ANYWAZ, the 2nd match was good too. I dont kno how he won teh first round - i felt i dominated him the whole first round - i remember there was 12 secs left in the first round, and the score was 4-2 in favour of my opponent - so i Shot, and tried to take him down for the 2 pts. unfortunately time ran out. 2nd match, he pinned me with a move that i've seen him fail to do the whole first round. Dubbed the "hig sag". As of today's (monday's) practice, i now know how to defend a hip sag. But that Harrison person - i was talkin about it to 1 of my friends 2day, and she said "well, nxt time for sure u'll beat him". I couldn't agree more.

After rolling up the mats, my coach called me over. He gave me a bronze medal. I was so happy, especially after i would have a nice "surprise"party with my friends.

wrestling entry 1

OK, so Dave, my wrestling coach, told me to write wrestling "diaries" about what i learned in wrestling practices + tourneys. So, instead of going thru the hassle of writing everything about past practices, ima write about what were significant to me. Here goes!

Anywayz, what wrestling has been great so far. Been alot of fun, and it's what has been keeping me fit (and motivated to be fit) since i started UBC this year. What a ride it's been..from having no mats, playing soccer in the SUB (KARATE CLUB VS WRESTLING CLUB IN SOCCER! that was too good - forgot what the score was, but it downrite fun), to having a home at PW and having mats! It really has been a wild ride so far - we had to sneak out our mats (with teh vry few men that we had) out of behind the SUB theatre. I still remember what an a$$ the theatre owner was - my coach asked politely if we could quietly move our mats while the movie was playing, and the skinny/tall owner said in his steve urkle voice "no, how about u leave now?". Luckily, my coach oersuaded him to let us move those mats. PICTURE THIS: a team of wrestlers, scavengers desperate for a home, working our asses off to move mats *QUIETLY* through the back of a PITCH BLACK theatre into a THIN hall and then into a truck! What a nite, and i won;t ever forget it. Luckily we got a home now, and that's PW, where we had my visiting beginners, only to hav a handle of STAYERS. And so real wrestling practice begins!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Well, here's my blogspot to display my thoughts and feelings. It could contain a variety of things, ranging from dreams, ventings, thoughts about society, wrestling practices, and so on. Hopefully this healthy for me...hahah. Let it begin!